Cookie Policy

This site uses “technical” cookies and “third-party” cookies.

The purpose of this page is to describe which cookies are used, for what purposes and how you can delete them from your browser.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files that your browser uploads to your computer or device. Cookies help the browser navigate the websites, but they cannot collect any information stored on your computer or in your files. When the server uses a web browser to read cookies, they can make the website provide a more user-friendly service. To protect your privacy, the browser allows the website to access only cookies that have been already sent to you and not the ones generated by other websites.

Why do we use Cookies?

We use cookies to better understand how you interact with our content; cookies also help us improve your experience as a visitor in our website. Cookies remember the type of browser you use and store your preferences such as the navigation language. Some cookies are permanent, others are deleted automatically when the web browser is closed.

How can Cookies be deleted?

Cookies are not a tool to store personal information, it is always possible to delete them. The most popular web browsers allow cookies elimination by a user command or automatically when the browser is closed. It is also possible to set up the web browser in such a way to block the creation of cookies, in this case it is not possible to guarantee the correct functioning of the offered service.

What cookies does this website use and what are they for?